Dental Intra-Venous (IV) Sedation
What is Dental IV Sedation?
Intravenous Sedation is an anaesthesia technique that makes lengthy, complex dental or oral surgical treatment comfortable and easy, while maintaining the patients protective reflexes and ability to breathe. It removes anxiety, stress, discomfort, memory, time and awareness from the procedure. Patients simply enjoy a relaxing and pleasant light sleep whilst they maintain their ability to breathe for themselves, maintain protective reflexes and maintain the ability to respond verbally to us if required. You will still be administered local anaesthetic in your mouth after you are sedated, which will ensure pain free treatment. Following your procedure the patient will be afforded an appropriate monitored recovery time in the surgery or recovery area until they are ready to be discharged into the care of a responsible adult.
IV Sedation is a stage on the spectrum of anaesthesia that ranges from complete consciousness and awareness, through to unconsciousness (See below)
Dental Intra-venous (IV) Sedation is the deepest level of sedation where a patient is still conscious and rousable to verbal or light tactile stimuli. It's aims are calm patients’ fears and anxiety when receiving dental care. IV Sedation, is sometimes referred to as Conscious sedation, Twilight sedation or Sleep Dentistry and is highly effective in helping patients who may have some or all of the following reservations with visiting the dentist:
Patients afraid of needles or drills
Patients with a strong gag reflex or tongue
Patients uncomfortable in dental chairs or offices
Patients with high-anxiety
Patients with traumatic previous experiences with other dentists
Patients who require a lot of work on their teeth
In IV sedation, the medications administered cause patient to experience a profoundly calming and relaxing state of being. They experience greatly lowers feelings of anxiety, fear and pain while staying conscious and rousable throughout the dental procedure. While still conscious, all patients in this state simply close their eyes and have a pleasant rest. Due to the patients deep relaxation and loss of memory caused by the medications, most patients report that they were asleep for the entire procedure.
Intravenous (IV) sedation has proven history of being safe and effective in the dental setting. Today the vast majority of patients who undergo dental surgery do not need hospital general anaesthetic in-patient services. There are often higher risks and costs associated with general anaesthetics.
Dental IV Sedation is used routinely for all dental procedures such as:
In the dental surgery, physical and emotional senses are heightened with the anxieties of the dental treatment, whether it is anxiety from local dental anaesthesia injections, hypersensitive gag reflex or the length and complexity of the treatment. With IV sedation there are more options and freedom available to facilitate the patients dental treatment.
What is Dental IV Sedation?
Intravenous Sedation is an anaesthesia technique that makes lengthy, complex dental or oral surgical treatment comfortable and easy, while maintaining the patients protective reflexes and ability to breathe. It removes anxiety, stress, discomfort, memory, time and awareness from the procedure. Patients simply enjoy a relaxing and pleasant light sleep whilst they maintain their ability to breathe for themselves, maintain protective reflexes and maintain the ability to respond verbally to us if required. You will still be administered local anaesthetic in your mouth after you are sedated, which will ensure pain free treatment. Following your procedure the patient will be afforded an appropriate monitored recovery time in the surgery or recovery area until they are ready to be discharged into the care of a responsible adult.
IV Sedation is a stage on the spectrum of anaesthesia that ranges from complete consciousness and awareness, through to unconsciousness (See below)
Dental Intra-venous (IV) Sedation is the deepest level of sedation where a patient is still conscious and rousable to verbal or light tactile stimuli. It's aims are calm patients’ fears and anxiety when receiving dental care. IV Sedation, is sometimes referred to as Conscious sedation, Twilight sedation or Sleep Dentistry and is highly effective in helping patients who may have some or all of the following reservations with visiting the dentist:
Patients afraid of needles or drills
Patients with a strong gag reflex or tongue
Patients uncomfortable in dental chairs or offices
Patients with high-anxiety
Patients with traumatic previous experiences with other dentists
Patients who require a lot of work on their teeth
In IV sedation, the medications administered cause patient to experience a profoundly calming and relaxing state of being. They experience greatly lowers feelings of anxiety, fear and pain while staying conscious and rousable throughout the dental procedure. While still conscious, all patients in this state simply close their eyes and have a pleasant rest. Due to the patients deep relaxation and loss of memory caused by the medications, most patients report that they were asleep for the entire procedure.
Intravenous (IV) sedation has proven history of being safe and effective in the dental setting. Today the vast majority of patients who undergo dental surgery do not need hospital general anaesthetic in-patient services. There are often higher risks and costs associated with general anaesthetics.
Dental IV Sedation is used routinely for all dental procedures such as:
- Oral Surgery including wisdom teeth , implants and bone grafting
- Periodontics (Treatment of gum disease)
- Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy)
- Restorative Dentistry (Fillings, Crowns, Veneers and Bridges)
In the dental surgery, physical and emotional senses are heightened with the anxieties of the dental treatment, whether it is anxiety from local dental anaesthesia injections, hypersensitive gag reflex or the length and complexity of the treatment. With IV sedation there are more options and freedom available to facilitate the patients dental treatment.